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Hello there. My name is Suzy Todd, and I am the creator of all the wondrous things you can see here on this website, on my YouTube channel,  and on my Facebook page.

I have always had a passion for fabrics, and creating quirky items from them.

I am self-taught. I got my first sewing machine at the age of eight after pestering my parents, and it has gone from there. I started by making clothes for my dolls, then dolls themselves, then clothes for myself, then bags, cushions, accessories... it goes on.


I left school at the age of 18 with the intention of going to art school (I wanted to be Van Gogh, live in poverty, go mad and chop my ear off). But then life got in the way... and three children, two husbands, two grandchildren... and WORK....

Having  a love for the unusual, combined with not having much money whilst bringing my kids up, I have always either "made it myself", or "up-cycled" the old and unloved to make it fun, funky and usable.


Being skilled with a sewing machine this has developed itself into the sewing and upholstery skills I now have.


As well as up-cycling the old I can make furniture items from new, such as footstools and dressing screens. I can also easily make matching cushions, curtains and throws.



After a long and varied career, working for the NHS and different Local Authorities, mainly working with vulnerable homeless people, I decided a few years ago to take the plunge and give all this up to concentrate on what has been a "hobby" for all these years, and make a new career out of my passion.

I have my own shop and workshop in South Yorkshire and spend many hours in there singing (out of key) along with the radio and creating crafty things and fabric items, either to sell in my eBay shop, or as bespoke commissions for my customers.

You can contact me here






Thank you for taking the time to look     Suzy

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